2022 Big4Bio Year-in-Reviews
January 25, 2023
SAN FRANCISCO – BigBio Communications proudly announces the publishing of the Big4Bio 2022 Year-in-Review (YIR) reports for each of the "Big 4" life science regions: Greater Boston, the San Francisco Bay Area, San Diego, and Philadelphia. Co-developed with KMA & Company, the YIR reports recap the most-clicked stories of each regions, industry market totals, statistics on financings, and more.

The 2022 YIRs also include outlooks for 2023 from Big4Bio-area state organizations, MassBio, Life Sciences Pennsylvania, and Biocom, as well as year-end summaries from Life Science Cares, which operates in each of the Big4Bio locations.
For more information about the Year-in-Reviews or to learn about being in the 2023 Year-in-Reviews, contact us at info@big4bio.com.