september, 2015

23sepallday24allday3rd Annual ManuBIO Summit


Event Details

The BIO Process Innovation Series is the only annual summit dedicated to adapt, illuminate and respond to a dynamic and ever evolving sector. Empowering collaborative innovation to transform vanguard ideas into biological manufacturing excellence and supremacy.

An exclusive invite only networking summit for decisionmakers from biological manufacturing, bioprocess development, up and downstream operations.

Themes And Topics

  • Leveraging Innovation to transform the future of the single use Industry
  • Insight into the rising manufacturing costs and fierce competition
  • -Biosimilars and ADC Production Insights
  • -Single Use Evolution
  • -Cell Culture and Upstream Processing
  • -Downstream Process Development
  • -Manufacturing MES, Qbd & Technology
  • -Transfer Process, Product & Particle -Characterisation
  • -Supply Chain Innovation On Demand -Operational Excellence Case Study


september 23 (Wednesday) - 24 (Thursday)
