february, 2016

18feb8:00 pm9:00 pm#PatientDriven Twitter Chat


Event Details


Join MassBio on February 18th for our #PatientDriven Twitter Chat that will unite patients and life sciences companies to talk patient-industry collaboration in rare diseases to accelerate treatments & cures!

Questions will include: 

1) How can patients and industry work together to ensure the patient voice is integrated throughout the entire drug development process?

2) What elements of the patient journey should life sciences companies keep in mind when collaborating with rare disease patients & advocates?

3) What are some tips for patients who want to effectively engage with policy makers to impact legislation?

4) What actions can both patients and industry partners take to raise awareness for rare diseases?

5) Our final ask is not a question, but a request to share a story of a rare disease patient to help raise awareness!


  • @BobCoughlin
  • @CuretheProcess
  • @FKHealth
  • @MassBio
  • @MyGlu
  • @NERGGinc
  • @RareAdvocates
  • @RareCandace
  • @RarePOV
  • @schultzrobert
  • @Shireplc
  • @TakedaOncology
  • @t1dexchange

If you would like to be listed as an official participant, please contact Lilly Stairs.


(Thursday) 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
