november, 2018

04novallday06alldayX-CON 2018


Event Details

We\’re at a pivotal moment. Technology has brought us to the threshold of an era when almost everything and everyone will be connected to the Internet, machines will be far more “intelligent” than humans and gain unprecedented autonomy, and diseases will be cured—and babies likely modified—via genetic manipulation. In short, we\’re facing technological change more rapid and dramatic than we previously imagined, and no corner of business or society will be left untouched.

What are the key trends, and who are the players to watch? Which new technologies are most important to solving the world’s big problems of health, food and water, energy, education, disease, security, and transportation—and how can they be made accessible to everyone? What happens when superhumans are possible? How will privacy and democracy evolve in this new era?

X·CON is an interactive conference across three days and three innovation venues in Kendall Square and Boston’s Seaport District, aimed at executives, entrepreneurs, investors, and visionaries who want to explore such questions—and ask more of their own. We will look at the promise and challenges of machine intelligencegene therapy and gene editingquantum computing and blockchain platformsspace mining and explorationsmart cities and energyeducation; and more—and what it all means for companies, consumers, and communities.


november 4 (Sunday) - 6 (Tuesday)
