january, 2015

29janallday30alldayNovel Immunotherapeutics Summit 2015


Event Details

Dear Colleague,

We invite you to the attend the Novel Immunotherapeutics Summit, which will take place January 29 – 30, 2015 in San Diego, CA. The summit will bring together our usual balance of industry and academia, so that delegates have the unique opportunity to network with colleagues from different sectors and gain fresh perspective on the various research happening.

The Summit will begin with a plenary keynote session, and then break into three concurrent conferences, all of which will talk about complementary areas of the latest breakthroughs in the immunology field:

13th Cytokines & Inflammation
This meeting provides a forum for researchers to discuss the latest advances in targeting cytokines and chemokines for therapeutic interventions, cytokines and metabolism, and cytokines signaling pathways.

7th Immunotherapeutics & Immunomonitoring
Leading experts will cover recent advances in immunotherapy and how they relate to various immunotherapy modalities, specific cancers, cell subsets, animal models, and tumor microenvironment.

3rd Immunogenicity and Immunotoxicity
Delegates will learn about ongoing research for tools to mitigate risks associated with the immunogenicity of therapeutic proteins.

We hope to see you there!

Best regards,

The 2015 Organizing Committee


january 29 (Thursday) - 30 (Friday)
