Part 2 of Q&A with CLSA CEO Sara Radcliffe

Note: Ahead of the BIO Investor Forum in San Francisco, Big3Bio is combining its Q&A series with new California Life Sciences Association (CLSA) President and CEO Sara Radcliffe (part 1 here) with mendelspod. This video feature will run with chapter updates every day of this week.

Chapter 1: CLSA – California’s first statewide trade group for biotech


Chapter 2:  How do we tell a better story about the value of innovation? 


Chapter 3: Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO doesn’t reflect values of the industry


Chapter 4: Diagnostics regulation and reimbursement not keeping up with the science


Chapter 5 – Progress with California’s Precision Medicine Initiative


Full feature on Mendelspod

To learn more about CLSA or to join, please visit