october, 2014

24octalldayallday*Application Deadline* to Meet with… OrbiMed on November 12


Event Details

\'SANTired of looking for funding in all the wrong places? With venture capital back on the rise and the year coming to a close, funding giant OrbiMed may be just the answer. OrbiMed is the world\’s largest life sciences-dedicated investor with specific interests in biopharma, diagnostics, med tech and healthcare services. They\’ve helped to nurture and commercialize some of today\’s most successful healthcare companies focused on creating bigger, faster, stronger and more dynamic lives around the globe. With a recent $735 million fund launch, OrbiMed is interested in funding both public and private companies, in all stages of development.

A representative from OrbiMed will be in attendance to give an overview presentation on the company\’s key areas of interest and best practices when seeking funding. Following the presentation, don\’t miss the opportunity to introduce yourself to Peter Thompson during the networking lunch. And finally, for those companies who apply online and are approved, one-on-one meetings with OrbiMed will provide a forum to discuss your company.

Don\’t miss the opportunity to meet one-on-one with OrbiMed: apply today!

10:30am | Registration and Networking
11:00am | Presentation and Q&A
11:45am | Networking Lunch
12:30-3:30pm | One-on-one Meetings*

*Companies must apply ahead of time and be approved for a one-on-one meeting. The application period ends October 24th. APPLY HERE

OrbiMed Participating Representative:
Peter Thompson, M.D. | Private Equity Partner, OrbiMed read bio»

About OrbiMed:
From biopharmaceuticals to medical devices, diagnostics, and healthcare services, OrbiMed is scouting the globe for innovations that will help ensure humanity lives healthier, longer and more productive lives. We have been investing globally for over 20 years across the healthcare industry: from early-stage private companies to large multinational corporations. Our team of over 80 distinguished scientific, medical, investment and other professionals manage approximately $11 billion across public and private company investments worldwide.

Presentation & Lunch
$25 | General Public
$35 | General Public Onsite
Includes presentation, Q&A, and lunch. All attendees must pay this fee, regardless of one-on-one meeting status. Registration to attend the presentation, Q&A, and lunch will remain open until November 11.

One-on-One Meeting
FREE | Application
FREE | Accepted Companies
Companies must have applied for a one-on-one meeting ahead of time. The one-on-one application period ends on October 24. Your application will be reviewed and you will be notified of acceptance by email. Acceptance of a one-on-one meeting is not guaranteed as all applications must be approved.

Janssen Labs
3210 Merryfield Row
San Diego CA 92121

OrbiMed Representative\’s Biography:
\'PeterPeter Thompson, M.D. | Private Equity Partner, OrbiMed
Peter Thompson is currently a Private Equity Partner with OrbiMed who brings over 20 years of industry experience. He co-founded and was CEO of Trubion Pharmaceuticals, co-founded Cleave BioSciences, serves on the Boards of Cleave, Anthera, Methylgene, Principia Biopharma, and Response Biomedical, and was an executive of Chiron Corporation and Becton Dickinson. Dr. Thompson is an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year awardee, an Affiliate Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Washington, an inventor on numerous patents, and a board-certified internist and oncologist. He was on staff at the National Cancer Institute following his internal medicine training at Yale University.

About the Meet with… Series:
The purpose of the Meet with Series events sponsored by Janssen Labs is to help start-up entrepreneurs as well as the academic community connect with potential partners, such as big pharma or other investment corporations, through one-on-one meetings. It is also a chance for the featured corporation to outline their specific business development goals and clarify what types of products or research they are interested in and how best to approach them to get the partnering process started. Past participants include: Wellcome Trust, MedImmune Ventures, NCI, Mercury Fund, Correlation Ventures, and Thomas McNerney & Partners


All Day (Friday)


Janssen Labs

3210 Merryfield Row San Diego, CA 92121
