april, 2019

16aprallday18alldayFeaturedBio-IT World 2019


Event Details

Welcome to Bio-IT World 2019

The Bio-IT space right now is rife with hype. Blockchain, AI, machine learning, data science, deep learning, edge, IoT, and more are being touted as panaceas, sure to at least facilitate a cure for what ails you. There are some legitimately cool technologies maturing in our space, but there is also plenty of smoke and mirrors designed to conceal the tech growing pains. At Bio-IT World we strive to clear the air with in-depth technical presentations in 17 tracks, education opportunities at 14 workshops, three expert-judged awards programs, and countless face-to-face conversations with the people you want to meet. When 3,400+ attendees from 40+ countries come together at the 2019 Bio-IT World Conference & Expo, it won’t be a conversation you can afford to miss.


april 16 (Tuesday) - 18 (Thursday)


Seaport World Trade Center

200 Seaport Boulevard Boston, MA 02210
