may, 2016

19may10:00 am11:30 amIdentifying and Closing the Training Gap in Clinical ResearchWebinar


Event Details

Halloran President and CEO, Laurie Halloran, presents a webinar, Identifying and Closing the Training Gap in Clinical Research,  in partnership with the Life Science Training Institute on May 19, 2016.

Webinar Overview\'training

Sponsors of clinical trials – and organizations that execute clinical trials – consistently identify the need for well trained and qualified people at all levels to execute studies.  Fast-paced clinical trials and the pressures to quickly and effectively meet project milestones can be overwhelming.  Furthermore, there is no “best practice” out there for closing the gaps in training programs.   Many who are charged with ensuring trained and qualified staff are new to the world of training, and may have little to no formal education on how to design and deliver effective instruction.   Now that industry has newly-identified standards for clinical research competencies that add value to training programs in organizations of all sizes,effective delivery of such information is still lacking.

Until training goes beyond tracking the reading of SOPs, issues with quality and performance will plague clinical trial execution.  Fortunately, there are options which will allow you to staff a highly-trained and effective clinical team.

This 90-minute course will give you practical ideas related to leading an exceptional clinical research training program. Course content will answer the following questions:

  • What should I do to identify the training needs, and how do I prioritize what to do first?
  • How do I design a curriculum to go beyond SOP training?
  • What are some of the options for program delivery and how should I evaluate them?

After attending this interactive live session, you will be able to:

  • Use newly-developed standards for clinical research competencies to identify the gaps in your organization’s skills
  • Identify the right programs to close those gaps, applying principles of adult learning to evaluate content
  • Discuss the landscape of program options and list the steps to select and engage training vendors

This course will be of benefit to anyone working in a clinical/GCP regulated environment on a global or domestic scale.  Those with responsibility for training – including providing training, overseeing others who provide training, or for the training department in a GMP regulated environment will find this course extremely beneficial.  Attendance is also recommended for those who are actively involved in performing, overseeing, auditing, or managing training as a function or as an operational responsibility.

Date & Time: May 19, 2016 at 1:00pm-2:30pm, EDT US
Duration: 90 Minutes – Online
Webinar tuition: $199 – Special Price…Includes Bonus Handouts!


(Thursday) 10:00 am - 11:30 am


